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In accordance with Decree-Law No. 206/2009, of August 31, and in accordance with the Regulation for attributing the Title of Specialist at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas, the title of specialist, referred to in article 48. of Law no. 62/2007, of September 10, proves the quality and special relevance of the professional curriculum in a given area of the CNAEF - National Classification of Training and Education Areas [Ordinance no. 256/2005, of March 16] , to carry out teaching duties in polytechnic higher education.

Anyone who cumulatively meets the following conditions may request the award of the title of specialist:

i. Have initial higher education and at least 10 years of professional experience in the area for which the tests are required;

ii. Hold a professional CV of proven quality and relevance for practicing the profession in the area in question.


Candidates for the title of specialist must present, in paper and digital formats, the following documentation:

  • Candidate's application addressed to the President of ISCE (request form from Academic Services).
  • Photocopy of Citizen Card and NIF
  • A copy of the curriculum vitae (European model) indicating the professional path, the works carried out and, where applicable, the scientific, technological and pedagogical activities carried out (duly proven and linked to certificates of academic training, professional training and professional proof).
  • A copy of work of a professional nature in the area of evidence for presentation, critical assessment and discussion.
  • A copy of each of the works mentioned in the CV, which the candidate considers relevant.
  • A copy of the CV and work of a professional nature in digital format.

Processing of the process

  • The aforementioned documentation must be delivered to the Presidency Support Office at ISCE;
  • Upon receipt of the documentation, the services communicate that the process has been duly completed, and that the condition referred to in paragraph a) of article 7 of Decree-Law no. 206/2009 is fulfilled (the application requirement is rejected outright by order of the President, whenever the candidate does not meet the condition indicated in the aforementioned article);
  • The President of ISCE invites partner institutions (higher education and professionals) in the area for which the tests are required, to form the jury;
  • The services notify the candidate and the members of the jury of their appointment, sending together a digital copy of the documents referred to in paragraph 1 of article 9 of Decree-Law nº 206/2009;
  • The date for the 1st meeting is scheduled by email, in conjunction with all members of the jury.
  • After the 1st jury meeting has been held and the respective minutes have been drawn up with a clear explanation of the reasons for the votes cast by each of its members, the services will notify the candidate with one of the following decisions:
    • Non-admission to tests;
    • Request for additional documentation;
    • Admission to the tests and scheduled date.
  • After taking the tests, the results must be communicated to Pedago's Human Resources Department, with the physical file being delivered for archiving;
  • A copy of the Work of a Professional Nature presented in the Tests, on paper and in digital format, is sent to the National Library and to the DGEEC in digital format (in accordance with the provisions of article 19 of Decree-Law no. 206 /2009, of August 31st, works of a professional nature presented as part of the tests to obtain the title of specialist are subject to deposit of a copy in digital format at the Planning, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations Office (GPEARI) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, a body that was succeeded in its responsibilities by the General Directorate of Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC));
  • The Certificate of Approval is issued and delivered to the candidate;
  • Statements are issued and delivered to the jury members.

Public Exams to obtain the Title of Specialist in the Scientific Area of Social Work and Guidance – CNAEF-762, required by candidate Master Isabel Maria da Silva Esteves Filipe

Candidate | Teacher   Isabel Maria da Silva Esteves Filipe
Jury | President of the jury: Master Fernanda Carvalho (by delegation of powers) Members: Professor Carla Cibele Fiel de Vasconcelos Figueiredo; Professor Ana Cristina da Silva Rodrigues Gomes; Dr. Luís Paniágua Féteiro; Dr. Patrícia Silva; Prof. Doctor Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa

Date | July 13, 2023

09h00: Presentation and public defense of the CV

11h 00: Presentation and Defense of Work of a Professional Nature

Access link here

ID : 923 7100 5139

Public Examination to obtain the Title of Specialist in the scientific area of Business Sciences (CNAEF Code 349)

Candidate |   António Alexandre Branquinho de Oliveira Pinto Pessoa
Jury | Prof. Doctor Luís Picado, (President), Prof. Doctor Nuno Abranja (Member), Prof. Doctor Albertina Melo Dias (Member), Prof. Doctor Miguel Varela (Member), Eng.º. José Paulo Dias Gomes (Member), Dr. Rui Gonçalves Paiva (Member)
Date | September 23, 2022, at 9:30 am
Access link here

Public Examination to obtain the Title of Specialist in Teacher/Trainer Training and Educational Sciences – Artistic Education (CNAEF Code 149)

Jury | Prof. Specialist Master Fernanda Carvalho (President by delegation of powers), Prof. Doctor Lucília Maria de Oliveira Rodrigues da Costa Valente (Member), Prof. Doctor Ana Cristina da Silva Rodrigues Gomes (Member), Dr. Luís Paniágua Féteiro (Member), Dr. Hélder Gamboa (Member) and Profª. Doctor Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa (Member)
Date | July 26, 2022 at 9:00 am

Access link here

Public test to obtain the title of Specialist in Tourism and Leisure (CNAEF Code 812)
Jury | Prof. Doctor Luís Picado (President), Prof. Doctor Nuno Abranja (Member), Prof. Doctor Jorge Umbelino (Member), Prof. Doctor Sérgio Araújo (vowel), -Drª. Maria João Moreira (Member) and Dr. António Marto (Member)
Date | July 8, 2020 at 9:30 am

Public test to obtain the title of Specialist in Business Sciences (CNAEF Code 345)

Jury | Prof. Doctor Luís Picado, (President) Prof. Doctor Nuno Abranja (member), Prof. Doctor Albertina Melo Dias, Prof. Doctor Miguel Varela (Member), Dr. Eduardo Partidário (Member), Engº. Rui Sanches (Member).
Date | July 22, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Public Examination to obtain the Title of Specialist in the scientific area of Teacher Training – Special Education – (CNAEF Code 144)

Candidate | Francisca Maria Rocha Almas Fragoso

Jury | Prof. Doctor Luís Picado, (President), Profª. Doctor Maria João Sousa Pinto dos Santos, Professor Maria Teresa Pereira dos Santos, Professor Maria Manuel Nunes, Specialist Professor Maria Leonor Marinheiro,
Date | February 6, 2020 at a time to be determined

Link | To be available soon
