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The Pedago Group pursues its objectives in Portugal through three founding entities, Pedago - Sociedade de Empreendimentos Pedagógicos , Pedagotur and Edições Pedago , all different in terms of purpose.

1. Pedago - Sociedade de Empreendimentos Pedagógicos, Lda.

PEDAGO is the largest service unit and the second largest employer in the municipality of Odivelas , with around 300 employees. It is also one of the largest private educational institutions in the country, with around 2500 students.

Over its 50 years of existence it has trained many thousands of people, with there being cases in which three generations of the same family sat on the benches of the same school, in Odivelas .

There are also cases of students who entered daycare at three months of age and completed their higher education courses, through an entire journey developed in PEDAGO establishments.

These are two curiosities of what is a unique project in Portugal - a private educational institution that covers the various levels of education, from nursery school to higher education courses.

Currently, Pedago is the founding entity of the following Educational Establishments:

2. Pedagotur , lda

H2OVITA - Health Club located in Serra da Amoreira, Odivelas, Ramada. It has an intimate space, where you can enjoy various physical activities that will provide you with well-being, health, quality of life and vitality.

Its mission is to provide services in the area of exercise and health, seeking to ensure a safe, personalized and effective physical activity program, following a methodology supported by international organizations.

Your values are

  • Service quality;
  • Academic education;
  • Coherent and effective work methodology;
  • Focus on homogeneous groups (classes structured by levels, objectives, age group) and special populations (seniors, adapted swimming, child motor skills);
  • Young and dynamic team;
  • Investing in the relationship capacity of human resources;

3. Edições Pedago, Lda.

Currently, Edições Pedago's mission is to edit, promote and disseminate high quality works - regardless of the dissemination media - promoting information and knowledge, in a narrow sense, within the educational and scientific community and, in a broad sense, with the entire society.

It seeks to guarantee the independence and credibility of the content it edits, through the coherence required by its operation, ensuring the cultural, social, technical and scientific relevance of its editions.

For the suitability of criteria in the pursuit of its objectives, the activity of its Editorial Committee contributes greatly, a fundamental body of a consultative and evaluative nature made up of renowned national and international personalities.

4. Senior University of Odivelas

Based on an organizational model of British inspiration, the Universidade Sénior de Odivelas was established, in 2006, as a non-profit association – Associação Sénior de Odivelas –, seeking to organize itself functionally through the establishment of protocols with the Municipal Council of Odivelas and with significant private entities in the municipality, with regard to educational dynamics – of these.

The importance of the partnership with the Pedago Group , the founding entity of the Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas , the only Higher Education institution in the municipality, and whose training vocation focuses on the educational area (training of Educators for different levels of education, of Animators Cultural and Social Educators, among other areas).

Integrated in the geographical area of the Municipality of Odivelas, the Associação Sénior de Odivelas arises from the desire of its founding members to collaborate, with their know-how in Education, in the intellectual, social, physical and cultural dynamism of the Municipality's senior population, supporting a continued intervention to increase the quality of life of this population.

Making Odivelas part of the International Association of Educating Cities , a concerted action specifically aimed at the Municipality's seniors is considered very relevant, within a discourse of lifelong training, constituted as one of the principles established by the Charter of Educating Cities.

The Senior University of Odivelas assumes a pluralistic vocation and aims to promote intellectual and physical involvement activities for seniors in the municipality of Odivelas, intending to contribute to the updating of knowledge, the creation and maintenance of social and cultural relationships and the development of interdisciplinary and interuniversity gerontological research. Senior is understood as a citizen over 50 years of age, according to the definition adopted by the European Union.

The Senior University of Odivelas is in its fourth year of operation.

The training offers are quite diverse, including: Courses; Cultural Visits; Gatherings; Lectures and Congresses.

Valuing the accumulated experience and areas of professional life of its «students», the Senior University of Odivelas will find its «teachers» preferably among the associates, and a graduate studying a set of disciplines may be, at the same time, teacher from another.

Knowledge will be transmitted in a language accessible to everyone in order to locate in space and time the value constituted by the experience acquired by students during the performance of their professional activities.

All non-disciplinary initiatives (Gatherings, Congresses) will be carried out by individuals of recognized academic and professional competence and high ethical sense, recruited from among the University's partners and supporting entities.


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