Candidates MyISCE Plataforma EaD UniDED/B-Learning Webmail
Notice nº 9861/2022, published in the 2nd series ofDR nº 94, of 05/16/2022

Sociocultural Animation embodies an attitude that translates into commitment, openness, initiative, adaptation, tolerance, and the ability to promote socio-cultural development through the participation of individuals, groups and communities.

Our degree in Sociocultural Animation is structured to meet the highest quality standards defined by the Bologna model, fundamentally:

      1. Students have a platform (Blackboard) that facilitates the management of learning time.
      2. Possibility of international internships in Europe, the United States and Portuguese-speaking countries.
      3. Title recognized in all European countries that adhere to the Bologna process.
      4. Access to MCTES-DGES SCHOLARSHIPS for all low-income students.
      5. Possibility of reconciling students’ professional lives with attending the course.
      6. Availability of access to higher education through general access and special admission regimes (over 23 years old, transfer, re-entry and change of course).

We are certain that taking this degree will be a fruitful experience on an academic, social and personal level. We are also sure that this training will be professional added value for all those who enjoy Sociocultural Animation and truly invest in their qualifications.


1st Cycle: 6 semesters (180 ECTS) - Degree in Sociocultural Animation

Train senior Sociocultural Animation technicians capable of conceiving, planning and implementing educational, social, artistic and cultural projects. Train technicians who are mediators and promoters of groups, individuals and communities and, consequently, who are professionals with significant relationship skills, while at the same time embodying an attitude that translates into commitment, openness, initiative, adaptation, tolerance , and the ability to promote socio-cultural development through the participation of individuals, groups and communities.

Learning objectives:
Provide trainees with solid theoretical-practical foundations through the systematization of acquired scientific knowledge and professional practice.

By completing this course, the aim is for trainees to achieve the following objectives:
      • Acquire broad-based but specialized training;
      • Create a taste for knowledge and "knowing how to do" and "knowing how to be" in the field of Sociocultural Animation;
      • Build theoretical-practical skills and attitudes for the development of Sociocultural Animation;
      • Develop leadership, communication, team integration and adaptation to change skills.
      • Acquire the ability to promote integration activities with children, young people or the elderly, through animation projects that have a social, educational, artistic and cultural impact on the surrounding community.
      • Develop coordination between sociocultural equipment, institutions and services.

The Course is fundamentally aimed at training Higher Technicians in Cultural Animation in the following areas:
      • Municipalities / Parish Councils
      • ATL/OTL
      • Day Centers / Homes and Community Centers
      • Schools (1st and 2nd cycle)
      • School and Municipal Libraries
      • Youth Club

    • Facilitate group integration
    • Be a catalyst for potential
    • Help develop autonomy, participation and creativity
    • Lead work teams
    • Use sociocultural intervention methodologies and techniques
    • Design, plan and implement sociocultural projects

One of the following tests:
      • Geography
      • History
      • Portuguese


Course Units



1st Year - 1st Semester

Child and Adolescent Psychology

162 6

Sociology of Education

81 3

Research Methodology in Sociocultural Animation

162 6

Portuguese Written Expression Techniques

81 3

Scopes and Fundamentals of ASC I

243 9

Option I:

- English

- Spanish

81 3
1st Year - 2nd Semester

Adult and Elderly Psychology

162 6

Visual Arts in the Context of Sociocultural Animation

162 6

Social Pedagogy

162 6

Social and Cultural Anthropology

81 3

Observation in Contexts - Stage I

243 9
2nd Year - 1st Semester

Musical Expression in the Context of Sociocultural Animation

162 6

Dramatic Expression and Theatrical Animation

162 6

Multiculturalities and Minorities

81 3

Ethics and Deontology in Sociocultural Animation

81 3

Scopes and Fundamentals of ASC II

243 9

Option II:

- Children and Young People: Risk and Protection Factors

- Elderly People: Contexts and Socio-educational Intervention

81 3
2nd Year - 2nd Semester

Integrated Creative Expressions

162 6

Tourist Entertainment

81 3

Animation and Event Organization

162 6

Practice in Contexts - Stage II

324 12

Option III:

- Environmental education

- Inclusion: Processes and Means

- Information and Communication Technologies at ASC

81 3
3rd Year - 1st Semester

Psychosociology of Organizations

81 3

Animation and Community Intervention

162 6

Motor Expression and Sports Entertainment

81 3

Animation Techniques and Group Dynamics

162 6

Project Design, Development and Evaluation

243 9

Option IV:

- Health Education   

- Adult Education

- Leisure Pedagogy

81 3
3rd Year - 2nd Semester

Practice in Sociocultural Animation – Stage III

567 21

Internship Support Seminar
